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  • mythreebears - Good Idea

    The carrier is as pictured. It came in 3 main pieces and the bed. You straighten the center section and then zip it to the bottom of the cage. Next take the top section and zip it to the middle section (that you zipped tot he bottom section).

  • Danielle - I don't get what all the fuss is about....

    I heard really good things about this primer and I wanted to find something to help my make up last.

  • Mario Grillo - Change Your Life in a Week!

    All right, can I say this will work for every human on Earth? Of course not. As for me, a white/Italian American, who suffered for YEARS with redness, itchiness, and unsightliness on my cheeks, but specifically under my chin and entire neck after shaving, Tend Skin works for me. The summer was the absolute worst because of all the sweating I suffered through. You see, I worked at summer camps for many years as an Arts & Crafts counselor with no air conditioning in the cabins. It was no Camp Mohawk, that's for sure. It was definitely a Camp North Star. (Google it!) Anyway, the ugliness and irritation was just part of my daily life. All until a new friend named Abe turned me on to this product he had been using called Tend Skin. He told me it worked for him and it worked ridiculously well. He told me this over an order of fried pickles, of all things, "Dude, get it. It's a little expensive," he said, "but it's worth it. As I listened to him, scratching my fugly red neck I made the wise decision to give it a try. All I can truthfully say is that Tend Skin CHANGED MY LIFE. In less than a week all the redness and itchiness I had lived with for all of my post-puberty life completely disappeared. Gone. In it's place was healthy skin-colored skin. Just imagine my surprise and elation? For the tip of a lifetime I bought my friend Abe a fire-engine red Ferrari. As for the "little expensive" comment, you cannot put a price on the self confidence you acquire with such a drastic positive change in one's appearance. Meeting girls in bars multiplied tenfold back then. Today, I hold my head up high and have thankfully put behind me all the weirdness and depression that having such a condition creates in our simple human minds. Get it? Get it! It's a little expensive but you truly do not need to use much at all to get the desired results. Buy the smallest bottle possible to see if I am making any of this up. Except for the buying Abe the Ferrari thing. That's total baloney. Heh!

  • AB 11A - They work

    Be sure to purchase some cleat covers, There is 0 traction from this shoe without them (they're a road shoe ofc). I have size 15w feet and the largest size fits nicely, but toes go numb on long (25+ mile) rides.

  • J. Walker - I still feel sick...

    I just finished watching the first episode...I still feel sick. Torture porn is the best analysis I have seen bandied about the web with folks all over talking about quitting TWD. I think it's time for me to stop watching. I will not allow my emotions to be so crassly handled again.