www.lidercorp.net Review:

Capacitación y Selección de Personal - Lider Corp, Desarrolla y promove la cultura del liderazgo y la excelencia a todo nivel: personal, familiar, social, educativo y empresarial.

Country:, North America, US

City: -111.6133 Utah, United States

  • d mc - caused an allergic reaction

    make sure you take with meals... they will make you nauseated if you don't but my main concern is that after I took these I immediately have some sort of allergic reaction and I have the hives.

  • J. Martin - Shipping too expensive

    While the price of the Relacore itself seemed fair, the $10 to ship two little plastic bottles of capsules to me is not. The seller enclosed a letter apologizing for the high cost of shipping, explaining that the price was set by Amazon. So, why does Amazon insist on overcharging for shipping? It's time to start looking for another (non-Amazon) source for the Relacore.

  • Keith E. Keller - Gets boring, but results don't lie.

    I am through the alpha phase getting ready to start beta and I feel I have a grasp on how this plan works.

  • Teal J. Benson - Best face wash hands down.

    This is the best face wash I have ever bought. Rarely am I loyal to a brand, but after using this product there is no need to look for another face wash. I use it with an exfoliating pad daily and my skin glows.