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  • T. Ballard - Real Reviews a Please! Don't push the spam!

    I just wish you all would stop posting useless reviews about your login issues! People want to know if the services work, not if your Kindle Fire HD does! Geez! And if you notice, all of the 3, 4, & 5 star reviews all say how "fun" the app is, but they've never made a purchase. Smh. The site is false advertising everybody. Save your time and money. If you download and login with Facebook it sends your friends spam. If you order from Wish, you spend a little money on something that's not worth a penny. Just be smart people. Use your heads. And why would you want to spend hours looking and compiling a list of things you want and will never get at the prices you are so excited about? Why???

  • Philip Velazquez - Works great, highly recommend.

    I found this product to do exactly what it described. I took 3 pills about a half hour before every meal, and noticed i would eat less and stay fuller longer. In addition to proper diet and exercise, I lost the weight I aimed for and then some. I found it to work so good at appetite suppression that I continue to take it before meals even now.

  • Anti-Aging Therapy At Your Fingertips - Anti-Aging Therapy At Your Fingertips

    Through the use of the oral spray LifeSpan I. I can say that I have not only read about others that have benefited from the studies, I can say I am one of them. Only I receive my dosages painlessly.

  • Vanpaul2 - Worthwhile purchase!

    A simple fast solution to replace the very breakable OEM antenna. It took a total of 60 seconds from opening the package, unscrewing the factory unit and screwing in the new unit. Works perfect and looks great!

  • ChristmasShopper - Not the same formula as years ago.

    I've been using this on my kids mostly as a shampoo not a body wash. I first used it about 4 years ago when my first son was born. I remember the formula being much "thicker". My first bottle lasted me 2 years!! When I went back to buy it again, it seemed like it changed to a "thinner" formulation and it didn't last nearly as long. I still love the light scent and it doesn't irritate my kids eyes or skin. Just taking off one star because the formula changed. Still a great product.