Mňau - HYGIENA A ÚPRAVYStrihanie pazúrikovAk mačku chováte len v byte,pravidelne jej zastrihávajte payúriky.Ak to zanedbáte,prerastú a poškodia... - Stačí otevřít a budeš v obraze.
Country:, Europe, CZ
City: 14.4112 , Czechia
You see a difference for a few days, thats why you have to buy a 4 pack, and continue buying them, BECAUSE ITS TEMPORARY! I totally believed the hype, but you have to remember these sellers only make money if you buy it. My doctor said it is physically impossible to put anything on your skin to melt fat from inside your body. It takes the water out of your cells shrinking them and making you temporary smaller(his exact words). If you do wanna lose that "water weight" for a night out, you can make your own wraps for less that 5 bucks by looking it up on pinterest. Worked the exact same as these wraps did. Dont waste your money!!
I used this once and will not use it again. This has an overwhelming. Smell of alcohol. The odor is very strong.. One of the first ingredients is alcohol. This was not explained to me. Very expensive product.