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  • happy_camper - Solid product and a good value; it DOES work with the Nexus 6/6P!

    Although not officially supported, this VR headset *can* accommodate a Nexus 6 (and the smaller Nexus 6P). It will not fit in the standard spring-loaded smartphone tray, but you can easily remove the tray (via 6 small Phillips head screws) and then place the Nexus in as usual. There's not much room left over, so even without the tray the phone does not jiggle much, but the manufacturer also includes 6 small, foam pads (sticky on one side) that you can use to fully secure your phone in place.

  • Some guy in MS - Needs work - but no other choices

    I'm running server 2012 for a small business. Setup was easy, but it was a little convoluted for clients. Whatever you do,don't try to connect clients until they are upgraded to the Pro version of windows, or there is a long, sometimes difficult uninstallation and change of computer name required to reconnect which can be very painful.

  • DonB - Big disappointment

    I have used Hallmark Card Studio software for several years but from the day I bought the 2011 version, it has given me nothing but problems. It seems to have some kooky bug(s) that cause some text and images to randomly disappear when you bring a card back in to edit it, even after you have designed and saved it. As you go through its various features, the program crashes on a regular basis after displaying a message about encountering a problem. I contacted HCS about the problem and they told me that there could be some software running in the background causing the problem. Is that my problem? - I have plenty of application software that runs with active background programs but they still function properly. What am I supposed to do, shut off all background programs to accomodate HCS's 2011? There are other smaller issues that I find annoying like not displaying the title of the card on the highlighter like 2010 did so you always know what card you are working on. It makes it very easy to overwrite a previously designed card that you are trying to personalize for a new design. They also have removed 2010's ability to add a border around an image although I must admit, I've had my share of problems with that program feature in the 2010 version. I also use Greeting Card Factory software and with HCS's 2010 version, I could drop clip art into Hallmark from Factory using just a copy and paste procedure. With the 2011 version, I get some kind of message about vector images or something and so I am forced to export the Factory clip art image to My Pictures folder and then re-import it into Hallmark. There's no point in going on and on about all the shortcomings of the HCS 2011 software. Suffice it to say that I became so frustrated that I tried to return it but I was told I was beyond the 30 day return period. Bottom line - this software needs a huge patch.

  • Kindle Customer/ Linda Y - LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE this movie!!!

    I love the music, special effects, many of the actors/actresses are some of my FAVORITES!! Also fell in love w/new ones...even though the story line was somewhat predictable, I still enjoyed it each time I "tuned in"! I own this on my kindle - I think I have watched it over 100 times!! Enough said...

  • cathy peruzzi - Product too pricey for results

    This product appeared to be old when it arrived. Consistency was like paste. Very disappointing. I would never order this product again

  • DocTheology - It Really Works

    I have a prescription cream that is mixed only at the Mayo Clinic and is a special mixture they designed for joints, arthritis, and damaged muscles. It costs about $150 for 4 oz. I admit that the prescription has a little more punch in the numbing effect. However, on selected days I use the Australian Dream Cream and find that it is a solid relief for the pain and muscle soreness. I have arthritis in the neck, shoulder and knees from a serious accident over 20 years ago and this cream provides me about 75% relief on the days I use it. They do have a good guarantee to send back the empty container if you do not like it, but read the small have to send the jar back within a limited time and it is really not enough time to see the long-term effects on your joints and your needs. But I think there is good value to the cream.