
Carey Danis & Lowe | A Plaintiff's Litigation Law Firm - Carey Danis & Lowe is a national plaintiff's litigation law firm. Principal areas of practice include pharmaceutical product liability and defective medical device.

Country:, North America, US

City: -111.8906 Arizona, United States

  • AMZN Shopper 10000 - Not Comfortable With TaxAct

    I originally purchased Tax Act to replace Turbo Tax Deluxe. But after seeing some "red flags" and software issues, I decided not to use Tax Act but only as a "double checker/reference tool".

  • Kranthi Kumar - I am very satisfied with this product

    I am very satisfied with this product. It took 10 mins to prepare the meat for grinding and just 2 mins to grind it. Cleaning is easy and no question of rusting. Suction is perfect. Complete body is sturdy with a great handle grip. I feel i have bought a very good product after a lot of research.

  • Renee Brown - Disappointing

    I had such high hopes for these razors! I'm a woman with very sensitive skin annoyingly prone to razor burn and ingrown hairs. Pretty big bummer when you have coarse, dark hair that you have to remove from 50% of your body... I have used a gillette fusion razor for as long as I can remember. (Yes, it's marketed to men but that whole men's vs women's razors thing is ridiculous as far as I'm concerned. I don't care what color my razor is, as long as it works well). The problem is that the blades are insanely expensive - especially when you have to use a new one every other time you shave. Yes, my skin hates shaving that much...especially the more "sensitive" areas.