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    Country:, Europe, NL

    City: 4.9167 North Holland, Netherlands

  • M. Mitchell - Awesome bat!!! Definitely worth the money!!!

    I used to believe that Louisville Slugger had the best bats. For a while, that's all I would use. I spent my travel league years, high school years, and D1 college years, using ONLY Louisville slugger bats. I recently joined a very competitive adult women's only fast pitch league and one of my teammates let me use her demarini CF5 bat. First pitch in practice went over the center fielders head and hit the wall on one bounce. Needless to say, I bought this bat the very next day. I was always a clean up hitter, but I can only think about the number of homeruns I could have hit if I used demarini in college instead of Louisville slugger. Don't get me wrong, I still love Louisville slugger as a brand, but this bat gives that additional pop off the bat. Once I got my new bat, I took it to practice expecting a long break in period. Nope!!! First pitch, into the out field gap for a triple (and I'm not as fast as I was when I was playing college ball 5 years ago). If you are serious about softball, spend the money on a good bat. It's an investment. And this bat isn't as expensive as the newer models but it's just as good. Overall, I would recommend this bat to any power hitter.

  • Tired of Defrag - PCMatic not a useful tool

    I've been using PCMatic for nearly three years now, and for the most part, saw a few, minimal benefits such as eliminating junk files, craplets, registry fixes, and anti-viral scans. An ongoing problem that PC Pitstop won't acknowledge is the time it takes to download the signature file--the anti-virus database. When it starts to load, the dialog box says it will take a long time to load the first time, but after that it will be quick. Even though I've complained, it ALWAYS takes a long time to download. I am on HughesNet and if I run PCMatic in the evening--when millions of other users are contending for bandwidth--it can take upwards of an hour to download the signature file. I was willing to put up with this, but now some tech-weenie has decided to help out by updating applications that I don't use and would like to get rid of, such as Quick Time and Adobe Air. Worse, the last time I ran it (4/24/13) PCMatic disabled my PrintScrn key, so I couldn't do a screen capture into Photoshop. The online forums were of absolutely no help, since they all seem to concentrate on laptops. Luckily, I was able to do a System Restore and regain the PrintScrn key functionality. (Nothing, of course, will regain the three hours I took to figure out the problem--I didn't make the association with PCMatic at first, but then a light bulb went on.) Another annoying feature, but not a showstopper is that when the list of options comes up, it overlays what appears to be another web page, making the options almost unreadable. I am sending a copy of this Amazon review to PCPitstop in hopes of getting their attention this time, but in the meantime, I will not run it again until they fix it. The downside outweighs the benefits. [Spybot seems to work pretty well, but I'm like the guy who wrote about the magic rocks and the tigers--I haven't had a virus (I think) in years, but maybe I'm either lucky or don't know my machine is sick. Ha!!] As far as making my machine run faster--the main reason I signed up in the first place--I've never seen any improvement. Could it be that a slow machine is just a slow machine?

  • M Peters - I have used this book for years.

    I buy each edition every year and find new ways to save on my taxes. Great ideas, great book, and I have naver had an audit.

  • K. Melchior - ... is a liquidy version of "Perfect Patch" Remember that crap? It didn't work either

    This is a liquidy version of "Perfect Patch" Remember that crap? It didn't work either.. Grows grass anywhere? NOT!!! When you have to continually water the area, it just washes away and nothing sprouts. The only green that comes from this product is the green dollars THEY make if you buy this garbage. Shame there isn't a NO STARS rating.