
Administrador de Consorcios - Administrador de Consorcios AL - Tel: +54 11 4982-8245 / 3534-9688 :. Capital Federal .: Buenos Aires .: Argentina

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  • Andrew - Just what I expected from J. Cole

    Great Album. Not , gonna lie i'm guilty. I couldn't help my self but to listen to the album when it leaked lol. I , had been pre ordered the album. But , I couldn't take the anticipation. If , you a real Cole fan you'll love this album. This is the Cole that's returning to his old roots. Something , like his old mixtapes. All , the tracks are nice. As , everyone knows the most popular track on the Album is "Fire Squad". But , that's not the only banging track. All , tracks are fire. And , mostly people can relate to. The song that I can defintely relate too and other every guy that been to highschool or in high school (like me) is "Wet Dreamz" lol. Cole bringing back that real hip hop feel. This , album with no doubt is gonna be a classic

  • KY6R - Changed My Life

    Like a Modern Day "Holy Grail", this unabashed view of the world and its "no splinters" approach to an apoplectic treatise on the Bosum Tibbs Particle is worth the read at twice the price.