www.yuhprosthodontics.com Review:

Dr. Adeline Yuh, Dr. John Rose, Prosthodontist, Fredericksburg Dentist - Dr Adeline Yuh is a Prosthodontist practicing in Fredericksburg, Virginia. Our office specializes in replacing missing teeth and restoring damaged teeth. Including bridges, crowns, dental implant retained teeth, dentures, partials, cosmetic dentistry, whitening, TMJ, veneers, bite guards, etc.

  • http://www.yuhprosthodontics.com/appointment-request/ Adeline Yuh D.D.S. - Appointment Request - Fredericksburg, Virginia Prosthodontist, Dr. Adeline Yuh is dedicated to prosthodontics from prevention care to restorations and implant dentistry.

    Country:, North America, US

    City: -97.822 , United States

  • Christina C - This really works!

    I read the book and embarked upon the 10-day diet in May (7 months ago), lost 5 lbs in the 10 days, continued a modified version of the diet ever since, lost another 10 lbs in the next couple of months and have kept it off ever since. I'm 5'2" and weighed 125 lb before the diet, had carried around the extra 15 lb for the last few years, and am very happy to be back to my usual weight. I didn't follow the diet faithfully - I did the 30 min walking every day, did the Epsom salt baths, cut out diet sodas, cut out juices, cut out processed foods, ate a lot more vegetables and a lot less wheat and sugar, and used the PGX Fiber. But although I tried the breakfast smoothies, I couldn't stomach them, and the recipes I tried didn't taste so great to me. And although I ordered them all, I couldn't bear the thought of taking all the pills that the book recommends - I just did the PGX Fiber. So ... it's still possible to get good results without following all the steps - though definitely do the exercise and cut back on wheat and sugar and processed foods. I did get a terrible migraine headache - one of the worst ever - the first day - which almost made me want to quit the diet, but I'm glad I didn't! So you may want to start this diet on a weekend, when you can take to your bed if necessary!

  • j. dana Brown - Good system for rehab

    Pleased with Resistance and Exercise chair. Easy to set up and change out the resistance cables. Cables work fine for my wife but offers little resistance for me. We'll order additional cables. The chair is well made. Very satisfied.