www.pasiekapodkarpacka.pl Review:

WITAMY - Oferujemy naturalne miody pszczele z naszej pasieki prowadzonej w sposób tradycyjny. Bartnictwo to u nas tradycja rodzinna kultywowana od czterech pokoleń. Pszczoły pozyskują nektar z nieskażonych łąk i lasów Podkarpacia. Produkcja miodu i prowadzenie pasieki objęte są nadzorem weterynaryjnym Nr 18115608 zgodnie z projektem technologicznym.Posiadamy uprawnienia do sprzedaży bezpośredniej nieprzetworzonych produktów pszczelich Nr 175/2013 wydane przez Powiatowego Lekarza Weterynarii w Mielcu.

Country:, Europe, PL

City: 21.0362 , Poland

  • Devlin Faust - Works!

    This is easy to install and easy to keep up. It intruded a few times more than necessary when I went from webpage to webpage, but it quit doing that as it worked in. It is 'light' and loads quickly, does not take a lot of hard drive space, and does its job. When it expires in about six months, I'll re-order. Not much more you can say about an antivirus.

  • T. Jones - Simply THE best tax preparation guide

    This is just THE best resource for tax preparation because of all the topics it covers AND in such detail. It is so much easier to navigate than other tax resources, and has an exhaustive index in the back for quick reference. I use it to accompany TurboTax for more background information.

  • mabta11 - It worked for me!

    I've had irregular periods my entire life so I knew that would be an issue when my husband and I started TTC. I started taking pregnitude after not having my period or ovulating (based on BBT and no poisitve OPKs) for more than 3 months (6 months total of TTC). Within a week, I felt a significant decrease in my appetite and had an easier time losing weight. The powder is pretty much tasteless. But I did notice I felt dried out and needed to drink more water after taking it. There were a couple of mornings that I missed taking it so I just doubled the amount in the evening and didn't notice anything (except again, needing to drink more water). After 6 weeks of taking it, I got a positive OPK and ovulated (based on BBT). Two weeks after that I got my first BFP! I am definitely pleased with this product!

  • Derwin R. - Good stuff...

    This stuff works great...removed years of caked up oil and dirt from the engine...will leave a lingering smell for awhile...be careful if you have old oil soaked hoses...it will remove a layer or two.