www.bioterapi.ro Review:

Alimentatie sanatoasa, plante medicinale, tratamente naturiste, factori activi din punct de vedere biologic, dictionar complex in domeniul bio, toate acestea fundamente si argumentate stiintific - ofera sfaturi, diete, dictionar complex, revista in domeniu, fundamente naturiste argumentate stiintific, factori activi din punct de vedre biologic

  • http://www.bioterapi.ro/terapii/index_terapii.html TERAPII (BIOTERAPII) -   Terapiile naturiste, numite şi tratamente naturale sau bioterapii, au apărut în zorii istoriei omului. Urmând modelul naturii, pe baza intuiţiei, a observaţiilor şi apoi a experienţei, în timp s-a dezvoltat o adevărată cultură şi ştiinţă a tratamentului suferinţelor fizice şi sufleteşti, prin mijloace naturale, cu menirea de a aduce alinare şi vindecare celui aflat în suferinţă.

    Country:, Europe, RO

    City: 25 , Romania

  • John - what you can do with it is really pretty cool! I have used it to protect the ...

    While the amount of material in a package is quite small, similar to a large stick of Wrigley's gum, what you can do with it is really pretty cool!

  • taylor - Had it almost for a year, and I'm still loving it!

    I am hair stupid when it comes to styling hair, and I thought I would never be able to achieve those curled hair looks. I just had to try this! I spent hours on YouTube before receiving my Tyme Iron, and that truly helped. When I got it, it took me about 30 minutes to understand how to hold it and the tension for my hair type. After 2 weeks of working with it, I felt like I was pro! Now almost a year with it, I'm confident in my own hair styling and friends ask me to do their hair too!

  • Bernie C. - Good, not great

    I read it to get a taste of what operations people do and it was good for that purpose. It was informative enough and well enough written, but nothing out of this world. The writing can be very corny sometimes.