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Country:, Europe, DE

City: 6.1833 North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

  • Happy Buyer - It even gives very good voice directions when GPS is enabled

    Works perfectly with Garmin remote GPS when paired on bluetooth. Performs GPS tracking on maps when NO internet or cell phone tower is available. It even gives very good voice directions when GPS is enabled. Some newer streets and housing developments are missing from all map providers but you can draw and add these into this program if needed. I've used all of them and IMO this is the best mapping program available when the internet is out of range when traveling and for planning a trip.

  • Winniewall - I enjoyed the story very much

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  • Steve S - Fits perfect in 2015 CBR 300R

    Fits perfect in 2015 CBR 300R. You do get hyper-blink if you don't put in a resistor or replace the relay