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  • Pearly - Insulin Resistant - Syndrome X - Metabolic Syndrome

    What ever the turm used for this condition "The Insulin-Resistance Diet" is the most valuable and informative diet book I have read on this subject. I highly recommend this book to anyone who is struggling with this condition and is looking for answers as I have been. It is more of a lifestyle than a diet, it makes sense, is easy to follow and enjoyable. Being diagnosed correctly has taken me more than four years, but finally I know what is the cause of the weight gain in my mid-section.

  • Lily's Mama - and it has been a huge source of fun for all of us

    I bought these for the family for one of our kids' birthdays, and it has been a huge source of fun for all of us. We have three little girls (5 years, 2.5 years, 13 months) and the oldest can cock it, but we have to do it for the 2.5 y/o, and obviously the baby just plays with the darts. :) We like to draw a bullseye on our windows with dry erase markers and shoot at it, or gang up on Daddy when he's coming home from work.