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City: -77.4728 Virginia, United States

  • Abby - Works Great Even If You Aren't Pregnant or Nursing

    I am only in my thirties, but my skin gets beat up pretty bad a work and it is starting to show. So far this has helped my skin look healthier. It makes my skin feel so smooth, soft, and hydrated. I love all the natural ingredients it has in it. This has really made my feel healthy again. I still have acne prone skin and must rotate my products. This has helped with my acne breakouts too. I use this in the shower in the morning. I just get my face wet, squeeze a tiny amount of the cleanser in my hand, rub on my face, and wash off with the warm shower water. You can leave on for a few minutes to really get a deep clean, which I have done. There is a light scent, but it does not stay with you for long. I did not experience any redness or irritation while using this. Since this bottle lasts forever, the price is very good. I would recommend this to anyone.

  • SHinnenkamp - Keeps various sized beverages cold in high heat, not just cans but bottles too!

    My family has always used the foam or neoprene can coozies at our lake cabin and that's just what we've always used...until now! After ordering this can coozie, I'm throwing all the junk ones away and replacing them with these! The other ones never actually keep our drinks cold, yes, it didn't get super warm, but not cold. This stainless steel can cooler most definitely keeps my beverages nice and cold for quite a good chunk of time! It actually comes as a two piece set, the top screws off and you place your beverage inside, then screw it back on. This is genius because it keeps my beverage secure and doesn't slip around. I was worried it wouldn't fit anything other than a can of pop, but it easily holds cans, bottles, larger sized cans, even a water bottle (without putting the top piece back on) Overall, I will definitely be buying more because of how easy it is to use and how cold it kept things. I purchased this item at a discount in return for my honest and unbiased review of the product. The views expressed here are my own, based on my personal use and experience with the product.

  • slowpez - Seemed tampered with

    I have used Biosilk Silk Therapy for YEARS and this seems like it had been diluted or tampered with. It came with a piece of tape across the top, no expiration date (which the past few bottles I have purchased at a salon did have) and is much thinner than this product is supposed to be. Probably why it was so much cheaper than at a salon. I guess it is a reminder that you get what you pay for.

  • Roger in Lebanon - Nice Maps--Problems with Navigation

    Have had some problems after installing Windows 10. Software has difficulty recognizing the GPS receiver. A few other similar problems. I hope there will be an update that will address these problems.

  • Mikey743 - The shaver works fine..

    Arrived quickly. The shaver works fine...however it is very cheaply made. Feels like a cheap toy. Not comparable to the quality of a Braun shaver. Only time will tell if it will last. It was the only electric shaver I could find that was not a rechargeable.