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  • keith - Met my low expectactions

    Some jerk keyed my car awhile back. This did reduce the scratch a bit though it isn't a miracle worker. The places where the scratch isn't too deep now looks very faint but the deeper sections were not affected by the buffer at all.

  • Kassie and Alex - It helps; here are my tips

    I've been using this gel on my 4yr old shih tzu - terrier mix, and while I didn't have quite the dramatic results that some of the other reviewers saw, it definitely helps my pooch and I'm happy to continue using it as part of her teeth cleaning routine. My dog hadn't had her teeth professionally cleaned by the vet in approximately two years, and I feel bad because I'd let her teeth get out of hand, the plaque was really starting to build up and her breath was stinky and her gums were super red. I was reluctant to have her teeth cleaned so often (every year) because of the need for anaesthesia, but I also realized that if I didn't step up my care of my pup's teeth she was gonna lose her teeth early. So last November (it's May as I write this) I began to train her to let me brush her teeth. I use the C.E.T. brand of enzymatic toothpaste. She loves the flavors, like a treat, but the downside is it didn't leave fresh breath. Also while I saw slow improvement, it was more time intensive (10-15 min, which I recognize isn't that much time, but... It did get forgotten), and I searched Amazon for something to pair with my efforts.

  • N. Walker - yes, goo gone works fine...

    I got these figuring that goo gone would work, and yes, it works fine (peel off the label, squirt on goo gone, wait a few minutes, scrape off with a plastic spatula (metal will scratch)), I can wash these in the dish washer without worry of rusting that plagues all other teflon covered cookie sheets I have owned... plus they have a mirror finish and hopefully will never need replacing, unlike teflon coated cookie sheets...

  • yard slave - hope to stay off the ladder

    ordered sample. placed an order. we have a solid patio room cover, no shingles. the 5" fits roofline just great.we have pine trees that have lots of fine seeds, etc. we hope it solves the problems.