
Bddrugs : Website stats and valuation - is an online drug index of Bangladesh dedicated to offer detailed pharmaceutical information like properties, brand & generic name, dosage form, manufacturer & price of the product. This site is created in 2010 under the guidance of Pharmacists.It brings you information about drug policies in Bangladesh such as Drug Act 1940, Drug rules 1946, National drug policy 1982, Drug control ordinance 1982, Drug control ordinance 2004 & National drug policy 2005.You can find the information about pharmaceutical companies, hospitals, doctors, ambulance services & 24 hour pharmacy in Bangladesh including their name, address and phone number.You can find medical related news (both local and international) & health tips in our news section.

Country:, North America, US

City: -87.6272 Illinois, United States

  • Eggnog - Bengal Roach Spray, The Best Product To Kill Roaches....Period!

    I have been using this product for decades, and it works as no other pesticide. When Bengal Roach Spray is used, it is truly good bye roaches, and I must say, kills them very quickly!

  • tgcarter - Worked well when purchased but all four of my TrackR Bravos failed in six months. Product is just a scam?

    I have four TrackR Bravos and all of them failed within six months. They won't work to find the lost object and they won't even re-connect. I've followed all their tech support voodoo suggestions. I even deleted and reinstalled the ap on my cell phone.

  • heather wright - Our vet highly recommended this collar as an alternative to Frontline or Advantix

    Our vet highly recommended this collar as an alternative to Frontline or Advantix. This collar COMPLETELY altered our 8 year old German Shepard's personality. After just one week, he stopped eating, became listless and lethargic, and was unresponsive to any attempt at exercise and play. We were told that we should "ride it out" for awhile, until our dog "adjusted"…No, thank you, if an animal is responding that negatively, that QUICKLY…it can't be a good thing.