
PicnicHealth -- Your Medical Record Concierge - PicnicHealth gives you secure online access to your health records. We request records, create a clear medical timeline, and keep your doctors informed.

Country:, North America, US

City: -122.3933 California, United States

  • David Moore - Outstanding study materials in a very easy to understand fromat

    I passed the test on the first try. Outstanding study materials in a very easy to understand fromat. I HIGHLY recommend this study material.

  • Mackinaw512 - Clean and Dependable

    Loving Paul Mitchell products. Awapuhi shampoo is by far my favorite Paul Mitchell product. It's proven itself for an easy and clean shampoo. A must have.

  • Cal Gal - Great Resource!

    I never do my taxes without Lasser's. Well written, easy to follow explanations of a difficult tax code. Needs at least one copy of all of the tax forms included to make it perfect. In our world of identity theft, doing taxes online is not the best option. And even if online is your favorite option, you need to understand your return.

  • ThinkDavid - Read Reviews from those who had it longer than 6 months...

    It works great for about 6 months to a year then the carpet spinner stops working, the battery life dies and it's useless. It was such a great vacuum too while it worked, please read reviews that are from owners longer than 6 months and you'll see what I mean. I hope this helps someone.

  • John-Michel Kane - The Best Rapid-Prototyping and Easy-to-Use Database Application Builder of All Time

    This is the one product that I really wish Microsoft would port to the Mac environment; the Mac lost an easy-to-use development enviro for the non-tech-head when it killed HyperCard and there is no better SQL-compliant database tool anywhere. It is so easy to use, so easy to build professional database-oriented applications with Access using its VBA language, drag-and-drop form builder, and query builder. We wrote the world's largest Access-based application suite at my company (500,000+ lines of code) and have been using it successfully for over 10 years to do very complicated work in conjunction with SQLServer. While it is object-based rather than object-oriented, you can coerce it to do just about anything. I highly recommend this for anyone who wants to roll their own custom database app. There is no substitute.